Inspired by Nature

Inspired by Nature, We Have the Flowers Toronto Loves

The Flower Room is a favourite among GTA residents, partly because of our eco-friendly packaging and fair trade practices, but primarily because the arrangements we create are inspired by nature’s own bounty. When you purchase flowers from our small neighbourhood shop, you’ll know that your custom arrangement will be like no other.

Vase & Container Arrangements
Dried & Preserved Flowers
Dried & Preserved Flowers


The Flower Room Specialty
A posy is a hand-sized bouquet that's small in stature but big on impact. The perfect hostess gift, as a thoughtful thank you, or a personal indulgence guaranteed to feed the soul.

The Florist's Suggestions - 25 to 45$


Arranged to place directly in your vase with ease
A hand-tied bouquet is our timeless interpretation of your thoughts and emotions. They are often full, lush, delicious eye candy. Whether elegant or playful—or even a tribute to the season —our hand-tied bouquets are arranged and readied with your specification in mind.

The Florist's Suggestions - 50 to 250 $
Bright and Bold
Soft Tones
Green and White
Designers Choice


Beautifully arranged, all ready to go
Our vases and containers inspire creativity, whether you choose a classic glass vase or a profuse display of garden flowers tumbling wildly over the edge of a charming basket. Whatever your choice, your vase or container arrangement from The Flower Room is sure to complement any occasion. Call today and talk to us!

The Florist's Suggestions - 60 to 500$
Bright and Bold
Soft Tones
Green and White
Designers Choice


Beautiful flowers to honour your loved ones
Flowers can unite us in the circle of life and express our deepest feelings at times of loss. Whether you choose a flower arrangement or one of our popular baskets featured below, you can convey your comforting thoughts through the natural bounty of the outdoors.

Please speak with one of our knowledgeable staff at The Flower Room regarding your bereavement florals.

The Florist's Suggestions - 150 to 500$
Bright and Bold
Soft Tones
Green and White
Designers Choice


Custom Florals desionged exlusively for your day
The Flower Room understands that weddings are a very busy time and that there are many details to consider. Put your mind at ease regarding your wedding flowers — please book your consultation a year in advance to ensure your date and avoid disappointment. We sell the following items separately as well as the whole shot for a wedding:

The Florist's Suggestions

The Perfect Centrepieces for Your Toronto Wedding Reception

Your wedding centrepieces will set the right mood for your guests at the reception. Here at The Flower Room, we’re accustomed to working with brides to custom-create the perfect arrangement.

Ceremonial Arrangements for Your GTA Wedding

The flowers in your wedding ceremony, from boutonnieres to bouquets, will reflect the joyful timbre of the day. The Flower Room will custom-create vase arrangements for every corner of your venue, matching and enhancing your chosen wedding colours.


Dedicated to Fair Trade
We help you find the right flowers for the right occasion.
Talk to us

The Flower Room
123 Brookside Ave
Toronto, ON M6S 4G8

Call or Email Us


[email protected]

Opening Hours and Delivery

Monday - Saturday10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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